Dental Imaging

What is an OPG

OPG or orthopantomogram is a low radiation dose study which the x-ray tube moves in an arc around the jaw, enabling a picture of the teethto be obtained which is unaffected by overlying structures. Dentists use them to detect tooth decay, severe gum disease, bony abnormalities in the jaw and maxilla and for the position of teeth (for example the wisdom teeth).

1. What is a lateral cephalogram?

Lateral cephalography is performed to assess the position of the upper and lower teeth relative to each other, as well as to help dentists and orthodontists plan their treatment. This study is obtained by the same low dose x-ray machine used for OPG.

How these tests will feel?

You will be guided into the OPG room and asked to remove any piercings and metal objects from the neck up before the examination as the metal causes a streaking artifact. You will then be asked to stand with your chin positioned on a small ledge protruding from the dental x-ray machine. You will be asked to keep your tongue positioned against the roof of your mouth and to keep very still as the camera moves in an arc around your face. The camera moves for about 10 seconds and then stops. Your examination is now concluded.

We accept walk-in patients with no more than 10 minute wait although appointment bookings are greatly appreciated.

Are there any side effects or complications?

The radiation dose from this study is very small indeed, and is only a minute fraction of the annual background radiation to which you are exposed to environmentally every year.

2. What is a dental CT?

Dental CT has become the key tool in pre-surgical assessment of dental implants, cleft palate assessment and oral maxillofacial surgery. Through reconstructions of thin axial slices, multiple panoramic views, cross-sectional images of individual tooth and 3D images are obtained to assist in the diagnosis of various dental pathologies.

How does the test feel?

It is a quick 5 minute scan with no needles or intravenous contrast.
You will be asked to lie on the CT scan bed with our head in a headrest.
You will hear a humming sound of the CT and a short beep. The scan itself will take between 3 and 5 seconds.

What are the side effects?

In terms of radiation safety, we record one of the lowest radiation doses which are well below the safe average estimated dose readings.

The radiation dose is about one tenth of the radiation dose that a person receives from normal environmental background radiation in a calendar year.

Your images will be available to your physician on our secure internet portal, and you may also be given x-ray films by us, at your doctor’s request.